RevGalBlogPals Friday Five:
List at least five things (people, places, graces, miracles...) for which you are thankful. You may elaborate as you wish, or keep it simple.
What a great topic! I'll play ...
* My children who are all grown, scattered (NYC, Oregon, and L.A.) and, still today, a bottomless source of inspiration and joy:

The church I am privileged to serve, for which no picture would be adequate.
Nature -- all kinds, all places -- human and otherwise -- reminders of God's beautiful and redemptive presence in unlikely places. So, add
travel to this one, too.
My family of origin -- incredible people, all. They show up in my life at all the right times! I'm also thankful for the Edwin Friedman
family systems theories that have turned out to be so helpful in ministry and so true.
Friends -- including cyber-friends. You all know who you are. Still, you will never fully know how much I cherish you and all the reasons why.
Vocation, because meaningful work is more gift and grace than $$$ and luck.
Rest and Recreation, even though my response to this gift, far too often, is "no thank you." God help me!
Mexican food, and other international food. Love to cook it; love to eat it at home or out. Wish I could find more of it here, and some adventuresome people who enjoy eating something different.
BOOKS -- all kinds, all the time!
And this is not all ... oh, no, this is not all!