~~~ It's all about the pedi ~~~ |
Dear Rev Gals ~~~
Happy 6th Anniversary!
On this occasion of your anniversary, I am inspired to remember my blogging journey and to reminisce about how we met and got to know each other. I can trace my blogging life back to
my first blog posts beginning in August 2002, a few months into my call as pastor of the very rural Dille Parish UCC in LeRaysville (Bradford County), PA. I served there from May 2002 until November 2009, and I wish now that I had blogged about more of the many delightful congregational experiences I was blessed with there.
I found you for the first time, RevGals, when I was still serving that church, sometime in late summer 2007. No doubt I spotted your badge on some blog surfing expedition, clicked on it and found a world of sisters. As soon as I peeked into your worlds, I knew that we belonged together.
My first post as a RevGal was September 1, 2007, the post that you found the day I was introduced by you in the
September 3, 2007 "Monday Meet 'n Greet."
Then our relationship faltered. Indeed, we broke up for awhile. It wasn't you; it was me. I wrote nine blog posts in September and October 2007 and then blogged nothing until October 2008 when I wrote about that
year of blogging silence. It was to be my one and only blog post until
I started again (again) in July 2010, almost two years later.
By then, you had dropped me, and I don't blame you. I had failed to live up to the "BlogPal" part of our RevGalBlogPal relationship. Still, when I noticed my blog name missing from your blog roll, I knew that I wanted to be a more regular blogger. And I was determined to earn my way back into your RevGal circle of cute feet.
Since July 2010, I have written at least one blog post a month, except for February 2011. I write, looking forward to your visits and soaking up your comments. I confess that when I write a post and the comment number stays at "0" I wonder what that means.
After I had blogged enough to call myself a blogger again, I requested that my blog name be put back on the roll. The result was that I was re-introduced to you in the
November 1, 2010 Meet 'n Greet.
By then, I had also signed up for
B.E. 4.0 and was beyond excited! The trinity of my anticipation: cruise, cool author, and RevGals. I had loved the only other cruise I had taken. I had read
Carol's first book and was looking forward to meeting her and to hearing what she would say about
Reframing Hope
. I was especially thrilled to finally meet you in person, RevGals. What a way to fulfill a week of continuing education!
Let's celebrate! |
The first RevGal I met was the very welcoming Rev Honey
(do you have a blog? I would link!) on the bus to the boat. My delightful and full-of-surprises roommate was
Kathleen. I am still a little fuzzy on all of your names, nicknames and blogs. I did get to spend some quality time with
St. Casserole and an oh-so-fun-loving group on our two shore
un-excursions dubbed the "Shop and Drink" tour. It could have also been called the "Laugh, Laugh some more, and Laugh even more than that" tour!
In you, RevGals, I have found a community that is diverse, fun, thought-provoking, seriously spiritual, winsomely wacky, and amazingly talented. You set a very large table ladened with good gifts, and I am very honored to be able to help with some of the table setting.
On this, your 6th anniversary, I am especially grateful for you. When I was facing the first Sunday after resigning from my congregation, and I spoke of it at
last week's 11th Hour Preacher Party, your encouraging words and prayers held me strongly.
Happy Anniversary, RevGals, and many many more! May God bless you in ways yet to be imagined! I pray that I can be as good to you as you have been to me.