Three days shy of a year of silence on this blog ...
Funny how it's easy to say "Yea, God!" when things seemed to be going peacefully and sensibly. The last year has been neither peaceful nor sensible in many ways.
Still, I wish I had been more vocal, even here, about the many "Yea, God!" moments:
The UCC National Youth Event -- bus ride and all the great, great kids!
I became a mother-in-law when Amy & Jaymz got married
Enjoying son & daughters, mom & sisters, nieces and nephew -- missing my brother and his family
Making plans for next year's cruise with the WHOLE family!
God still speaking and still leading ...
I am in transition --giving thanks for the Dille Parish UCC and saying heart-felt, sometimes heart-wrenching, good-byes -- and giving thanks for a new (to me) congregation and moving toward a new ministry setting at Jerusalem UCC.
I am at peace.
And I am back ... smiling ...