Friday, July 27, 2012

Friday Five: What To Take Edition

Bubble bokeh - Explored #17 Aug 15 2011
RevGal Sally writes this for today's Friday Five:  "We are packing to move, boxes are everywhere, stuff has been taken to charity shops, more needs to go to the tip. Once again I am asking myself where all this stuff has come from, once again I'm thinking that I should really reduce and simplify.

So bearing in mind you are allowed the Bible, a bed + linen, a functioning kitchen, and a comfy chair, clothes within reason ( no dragging last centuries wardrobe in case), and probably essential today a lap-top OR computer  choose one from each of the following as your luxuries:

1. A book
2. A piece of music (albums/ sets allowed)
3. Piece of electronic/ tech equipment
4. luxury item of clothing
5. One item of your choice- it can be as normal or as weird as you like"

* * * * * * * * 
Well, guess what?!  I, too, am donating and selling things in anticipation of a possible (probable?) move, and I am also asking myself where this stuff came from, and -- yes -- attempting to simplify.  You'd think simplifying would be simple, but no.  

So, from Sally's list, here's are the luxuries I would choose:

1. BOOK:  The Artist's Way, by Julia Cameron

2. PIECE OF MUSIC:  Loreena McKennitt Book of Secrets

3. PIECE OF ELECTRONIC/TECH EQUIPMENT:  My Kindle Touch (which would open up #1 & #2)

4. LUXURY ITEM OF CLOTHING: Plaid Flannel Robe (hey, that, plus the rest it implies is luxury to me!)

5.  ITEM OF CHOICE:  Absolutely, it would be CANDLES!