Sabbatical leave is over with and I am on my way back from wonderful Louisiana to my pastor life in beautiful Northeast Pennsylvania. Leaving Baton Rouge on Sunday, I spent that day and night in Biloxi, Mississippi with my sis and my mom before going on my way. Dayton Scoggins, chainsaw artist, has made art out of some dead trees along the Gulf Coast down there. In the background are distressed trees bravely leafed out, surrounded by vacant lots that were once (B.K. -- Before Katrina) thriving businesses in prime coastal real estate.
The aftermath of Hurricane Katrina is very real. I saw lots full of empty FEMA trailers and "camps" of people in FEMA trailers and camping vehicles. I heard Louisiana residents disgusted at the amounts of Federal money "squandered by Louisiana graft and corruption" even though most of the waste has been by the Federal government. I also heard about many people still displaced, suffering or otherwise affected by Katrina, two years later.
I do hope, with the chainsaw artist, that something beautiful eventually will be crafted from what Katrina has wrought.
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Good day
I have really enjoyed reading all of the posts. They are really full of love and encouragement. Shows that there are still people around the world that believe in other people.
Can you help?
I am looking for a couple I have not seen or heard from in years and would really like to make contact with them. Their names are Dave and Bonnie Austin and and son Kyle. They both worked in the school in that area. I believe Bonnie was a gym teacher. Bonnie at one time managed the church website maybe about fifteen years ago. If anyone can help me locate this couple I would be very thankful.
I live in Canada and had the opportunity to visit with them and stay in their home in Pennsylvania.
Any help would be much appreciated.
Thank you
Wayne Moore
Hi there. Nice to know that you are still thinking of us. Kyle has gotten married and is living in the home where you visited us. I retired from teaching and now run a small horse farm which also has a llama, alpacas, sheep, goats, dogs and cats. Drop me an email at b_austin@verizon.net if you like.
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