Sunday, September 12, 2010

A Sabbath Sabbath

I am on vacation!  Today is a very different kind of Sunday for me. On summer Sundays, by 8:15 a.m. or so, I am at church puttering around with last-minute details of the 9:00 a.m. worship service and greeting the early arrivers.

Floral/Butterfly Frame
Blank frame.  Insert life.
Summer worship starts earlier in the morning, but it is no less of a worship service.  When we say that things are "more relaxed" in the summer, we are not talking about any relaxation of my role in the worship service.  I am fully involved in a full-fledged sermon, a fully-engaged children's conversation, a fully-prayed pastoral prayer, and the usual multi-page worship bulletin.  Other elements of worship take the summer off -- Senior Choir, I'm talking to you -- and the Sunday School program also takes a break.  Many of the regular pews of the regular people are empty.  Yes, I noticed.

Today, I was the one who slept in.  This early riser, who calls getting up at 6:30 a.m. "sleeping in," slept later than that, much later.  The day has already included coffee and reading a novel on the patio and a leisurely stroll with a young loved one through a local mall in the 90+ degree heat leading to my first ever treat from Jamba Juice, a "Pomegranate Pick-Me-Up" to be exact.

Today looks forward to more pleasure reading, more coffee and more goofing off.  I will check in with a couple of other loved ones, including a Skype session with my grandson.  All of this is prelude to the "Wild Rumpus" that my nieces have earned by getting their homework all done.  They get to set the agenda, and they have warned me that our time together will likely involve an enchilada dinner, followed by junk food, movies and a tournament of Wii games that I will surely lose as I laugh myself silly.

Holy Sabbath!  Today, I am in Texas, enjoying big skies, the precious company of my loved ones, breathing deeply, and -- in the nick of time, again -- remembering Whose I am.  And it is good, very good.


Jill said...

Sharon, I read your comments at another blog regarding a family that had made a conscious decision to become dis-churched. I appreciated your thoughts and your struggle. I, too, am a pastor (in the Disciples of Christ) and saw myself in a lot of your comments. Thanks for sharing. It's good to visit your blog.

Unknown said...

Ah, I so understand your Sabbath Sabbath! Sometimes it seems to me that getting up with an alarm, getting dressed up, getting to class and then services, and even the lunch afterwards with family and friends from our congregation leaves far too little time to rest on the day of rest. And I'm not even a minister! You, my Rabbi, a leader in any congregation has to do even more than those of us in the pews...I guess this struggle to find rest on the Sabbath is just one more thing we have in common across all faiths. :-) Thank you for touching on something that bothers me regularly, as I contemplate amid my Sabbath activities, whether we may have missed the point of the day :-)